Friday, November 4, 2011

Bill Cosby: I Didn't Ask to Be Born (But I'm Glad I Was)

I Didn't Ask to Be Born: (but I'm Glad I Was)
The world's most beloved funnyman is back with his first humor book since the bestselling Cosbyology. In this hilarious new collection of observations, Cosby brings us more of his wonderful and wacky insights into the human condition that are sure to become classics. In the tradition of Fat Albert, Cosby introduces a host of new characters, including Peanut Armhouse and Old Mother Harold. Not since Mushmouth, Dumb Donald, Bucky, and the Cosby Kids has there been such a memorable cast.
Over the past century, few entertainers have achieved the legendary status of William H. Cosby, Jr. His success spans five decades and virtually all media-remarkable accomplishments for a kid who emerged from humble beginnings in a Philly housing project.
The doctor of comedy holds forth on everything from a game show contestant's confusing origins, to a grandchild with a Godzilla infatuation, to his first love Bernadette, and many more delightful digressions.
Bill Cosby may not have asked to be born, but we're sure glad he was.
My Take: This book by comedian, Bill Cosby, contains more of his own history and muse than other books he has authored. Part memoir, part stand-up comedy script, Cosby holds up his end of the bargain to continue entertaining the masses. He recollects random stories from his life, more or less in chronological order, that the reader who has lived through the time period will find nostalgic and entertaining. 

Of course, Cosby uses his own brand of exaggeration as some things may not have happened exactly the way he describes them. Or perhaps they did. I wasn't there. Which is exactly his point when it comes to the "missing pages" in the Old Testament where he points out a few holes in the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Which, when taken holistically, reminds me of an old Cosby joke relating to grandparents that can be extended to William Cosby, himself. Yes, he has a comedy routine involving Noah, so bible prophets and stories have always been in his repertoire, but there is a slight shift in Cosby's approach. He's a little kinder, less likely to jump to offense and more grandfatherly. In his own words, these grandparents that grandchildren adore so much - what with the candy dishes, emptying out their coin purses, and overall providing unconditional love are not the same people we, parents grew up with. Our parents were disciplinarians, strongly opinionated parents. Now they are just old people trying to get into heaven.

Go ahead Dr. Cosby. Empty out that coin purse for those grandchildren. Read that bible and study it for somewhat non-offensive comedy material. Your shows from the 80's have already pegged you. We know what you are really doing.

Between you and me, I have no doubt that God will enjoy Cosby's return to heaven. Noah, Adam and Eve, though, might not be so thrilled.

Another fun read but more nostalgic than his previous books. Still funny.

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